MES Gardens
Dear Families,
We are very pleased to announce we have received a grant from the State of NH Agriculture Program to double the size of our garden! Our goal is to provide willing students the gift of farming. We will focus on fresh fruits and veggies that grow well here in NH and can be harvested during the school year, and foods that our students enjoy from the café!
Enrolled students Grades K-5 will be able to start their own seeds and hopefully see them grow into a fruitful harvest. Through the science of farming, the participants will learn how seeds need nourishment of sun and water with fertile soil to grow. They will help till the soil, water the plants, and weed the plant beds. They will learn about life skills such as where food comes from, the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables, and the importance of a healthy and well-balanced diet. They will discover how weather plays an important role in our ecosystem; the basics of what agriculture is, and how important it is to our everyday living; learn about adaptability, pride in their hard work and school, while participating; as well as helping to feed themselves and/or their families! Honestly the lessons are too numerous to count! *Any surplus harvest will stay at the school to benefit the students at MES in the school Lunch program.
Students spend a little over one hour a week after school (A total of about 11 weeks). The program will start right after school on Mondays or Thursdays (depending on your preference of days on the attached sign up form) until 4:45pm. The first class will be on March 17th and the last on June 5th. There is also a small fee of $10 per student to help offset the cost of supplies for the kids. (gloves, pails, shovels, trowels etc..).
If your child is interested in coming to play in the dirt and grow something special, please return the form, with your $10 fee to Nurse Fisher before March 4th. Checks made payable to Mason School District. **Space is limited to the first 40 students that enroll.**
We look forward to gardening with you!
Danielle Fisher
Amanda & Matt Cannon
Nate Choquette