What is Title 1?
Title 1 is a federally-funded program designed to provide services to meet the educational needs of students who are at risk of not meeting the state of New Hampshire’s academic standards in Language Arts and Mathematics. All Title 1 services are in addition to the regular school curriculum. The Title 1 teacher works closely with classroom teachers to ensure that she is coordinating her efforts to meet the needs of students. Our Title 1 teacher is highly qualified and certified with NH Dept. of Education.
What Title 1 Offers…
We deliver high quality curriculum based on the State’s standards. We will use instructional methods shown to be effective in reaching children with a variety of achievement levels, interests, and backgrounds. We provide small group and individual instruction in Math, Reading, and Language Arts in the classroom. We send home trimester progress reports to communicate with families about their child’s progress as well as helpful resources. We encourage Title 1 parents to provide feedback on the Title 1 program.
If you have any questions please contact Jill LaMontagne at [email protected] or call (603) 878-2962 ext. #16.
To go directly to the NHDOE Website (http://education.nh.gov/)
Title 1 A Targeted Assistance School Plan